Clàr-ciùil am film


Tha cuid de shàr luchd-ciùil 's òrain na Gàidhlig a' nochdadh air a' chlàr ionmholta seo aig Jim Sutherland. Nam measg tha Cairistìona Primrose, Màiri Nic a' Ghobhainn, Caitlin NicAonghais, Ailean Dòmhnallach , Alasdair Codona, Mary MacMaster, agus Hamish Moore, a tha uile a' toirt an t-seann-nòs mu choinneimh ceòl ùr Gàidhlig.

Jim Sutherland's acclaimed soundtrack features some of the greatest living Gaelic vocalists and musicians including Cairistiona Primrose, Màiri Nic a Ghobhainn, Caitlin NicAonghais, Allan Macdonald, Alasdair Codona, Mary MacMaster, and Hamish Moore, featuring ancient and modern Gaelic instrumentation.

Jim Sutherland: Neach-ciùil



Tha Jim Sutherland air a bhith an sàs ann an saoghal ciùil fad còrr 's fichead bliadhna. Ghabh e ioma pròiseict os làimh 's a tha air cliù a chosnadh ann an iomadach raon 's gnè ciùil mar chluicheadair, riochdaire 's neach chruthachail am measg rudan eile. 
Anns a' Mhàrt 2006 chaidh Jim ainmeachadh mar neach-ealain sònraichte a thaobh obair chruthachail ann an duaisean 'Creative Scotland' 's e air grunn phìosan ciùil a chruthachadh airson film 's telebhisean. Am measg na tha e air a dhèanamh tha na filmichean buadhail 'Festival' agus 'Foighidinn', film goirid às an tàinig a' bhun-bheachd airson 'Seachd.
Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil cuid de na seinneadairean 's luchd-ciùil as cliùitiche air a' chlàr-ciùil seo ach gu bheil Jim cuideachd a tarraing a-steach seann innealan nach cluinnear gu tric san latha th' ann 's gam measgachadh le nuadh-cheòl na Gàidhlig, a' toirt dhuinn cruinneachadh iongantach, tlachdmhor.

Jim Sutherland is a music producer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and composer. His twenty-year career has ranged across a vast spectrum of musical genres, as well as a string of major commissions for film, TV and theatre. 
In March 2006 Jim received the Creative Scotland award 2006 for artists of distinction and originality and in the past two years he has composed scores for several film and TV projects including the multi award winning feature film ‘Festival’( Best film at the British Comedy awards), and the award-winning Scottish Gaelic short film 'Foighidinn: The Crimson Snowdrop' from which 'Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle' grew. 
Jim's soundtrack for 'Seachd' not only features some of the greatest Gaelic musicians and vocalists in the world, but it also blends together a host of ancient and rarely heard Gaelic instruments such as the carnyx, the wire-strung clàrsach and the triple pipes with modern Gaelic instruments such the bagpipes, accordion and fiddle and orchestral strings courtesy of the Scottish Ensemble. 

Seann innealan-ciùil


Tha raon-chiùil a' chlàir aig Seachd air a breacadh le fuaimean a tha annasach ach drùidhteach 's fìor sheann innealan gan cleachdadh. Am measg nan innealan seo tha na Triplepipes a bh' ann ro linn a' phìob mhòr agus ged 's ann ann an Sardinia a tha i bho thùs 's ann a bha i fìor chudromach ann an Alba sna meadhan-aoisean. An Carnyx, nàdar de thrombaid bheag a bha air a cleachdadh mar dùdach ann an cath le na Ceiltich (mu 300 RC gu 200 AC) airson nam feachdan a bhrosnachadh gu sabaid. AnSackbut, inneal o linn an Ath-bheothachaidh a dh'fhaodadh a bhith air a samhlachadh le trombone anns an latha a th' ann. Cuideachd tha a Chlàrsach a' nochdadh: inneal a tha fìor chliùiteach fhathast ann an cultar na h-Alba agus a bha air a meas gu ìre mhòir mhòir ann an eachdraidh. Am measg na tha seo cluinnear cuideachd amBodhrán, 's an Dulcimer, a tha ri chèile a' cur ris an fhuaim ann an dòighean sònraichte. Faodar èisteachd ri gach inneal seo agus feadhainn eile a eachdraidh na h-Alba air clàr Kilmartin Sessions.

The soundscape of Seachd is littered with ancient and seldome heard sounds of ancient Gaelic instruments including theTriplepipes which are a predecessor of the bagpipes and whilst having been played in Sardinia since the Bronze Age, they were an important instrument in Medieval Scotland; the Carnyx which was a Celtic battle horn (c. 300 BC to 200 AD), a kind of bronze trumpet held vertically high into the air and used to incite troops to battle; the Sackbut which was a brass instrument from the Renaissance and Baroque Eras, and is an ancestor of the modern trombone; the wire-strung Clàrsach (Gaelic harp) which was until the end of the Middle Ages the most popular musical instrument of both Scotland and Ireland - and also the more widely heard sound of the Bodhrán, an Irish goatskin drum, and the haunting sound of the hammered Dulcimer, an ancient instrument which took hold across the world and was invented in Iran some 2,000 years ago. You can hear sample of these and other ancient Scottish instruments one the Kilmartin Sessions CD.

Seinneadairean Gàidhlig


Thàinig ceithir ginealaichean de sheinneadairean cliùiteach na Gàidhlig còmhla airson clàr-ciùil Seachd a thoirt beò le an cuid guthan. Chaidh Caitlin NicAonghais à Uibhist ainmeachadh mar an seinneadair Gàidhlig as fheàrr ann an 2006 aig duaisean ceòl traidiseanta 'The Trad Awards' 's an guth sònraichte aice a' toirt faireachadh air leth do gach òran a ghabhas i, tàlant a tha a' cosnadh cliù dhith ann an saoghal a' chiùil. Tha Cairistiona Primroseà Leòdhas air a bhith a' cur ri ath-bheothachadh ceòl na Gàidhlig fad còrr 's fichead bliadhna a-nis 's i air a h-aithneachadh am measg nan guthan Gàidhlig as cliùitiche. Cuideachd à Leòdhas tha Màiri Nic a Ghobhainn MBE a tha air a bhith air leth cudromach ann an leasachadh seinn na Gàidhlig san t-seann nòs. Tha Alasdair Codona aithnichte air feadh an t-saoghail airson a chuid tàlantan ciùil. 'S e pìobaire air leth a th' ann an Ailean Dòmhnallach à Gleann Ùige, a bharrachd air a chomasan sònraichte mar sheinneadair. Còmhla riutha bha cuid de na cleasaichean, Angus Peter Campbell, Lachlainn Moireasdan (83) à Uibhist agus Winnie Brook Young (12) às an Eilean Sgitheanach.

Four generations of Scotland's finest Gaelic singers were brought together for the Seachd soundtrack. Caitlin NicAonghais (Kathleen Macinnes) from Uist was named top Gaelic singer at the Scottish Traditional Music Awards 2006 whose unique vocal colour and ability to breathe dramatic life into her songs makes her perhaps the greatest discovery in Gaelic vocal in years. Cairistiona Primrose (Christine Primrose), from the Isle of Lewis, is one of the great voices of traditional Gaelic song and has played a pivotal role in its revival across the past 25 years. Màiri Nic a Ghobhainn (Mary Smith) MBE, also from the Isle of Lewis, is one of Gaelic Scotland's most highly respected Gaelic singers and torch-bearers of traditional Gaelic song. Alasdair Codona is one of the world's foremost authorities on Gaelic harmony. Allan Macdonald of Glenuig, whilst being one of Scotland's leading pipers, is also the owner of stunningly deep and ancient-sounding Gaelic voice. Their voices are joined by those of our local cast, Angus Peter Campbell, Lachlainn Moireasdan (aged 83) from Uist and Winnie Brook Young (aged 12) from Skye.



Os cionn a' mhòr chuid ann an saoghal pìobaireachd tha Ailean Dòmhnallach a choisinn cliù dha fhèin le bhith ag ath-bheothachadh pìobaireachd ann an òrain Ghàidhlig. Ann an cuideachd Ailein tha Iain MacAonghais aig na Tannahill Weavers agus Hamish Moore, pìobaire agus neach-dèanaimh phìoban à Dun Chailleann. 'S ann air a' chlàrsaich mheatailt a chluinnearMàiri MacMaster a' cluich an seo 's Helen NicLeòid a' gabhail na clàrsaich chlasaigich, tha iad nan dithis mòr-aithnichte airson an tàlantan a thaobh na clàrsaich. Choisinn Aonghas Lyon tiotal nàiseanta airson a bhith a' cluich a' bhocsa nauir a bha e 13. 'S e cluicheadair trombone a th' ann an John Kenny agus ann an 1993 b' e a' chiad duine dh'fheuch air a' charnyx ann an còrr is 2000 bliadhna. Cluinnear Fraser Fifield, fear den luchd-ciùil ùr as fheàrr, a' cluich air an fhìdeig. Còmhla riutha seo tha Jenna Reid,Anna-Wendy Stevenson agus Aidan O'Rourke a tha uile air duaisean 's cliù a chosnadh dhaibh fhèin ann an ceòl na fidhle. Bho Salsa Celtica, tha Galo Ceròn-Carrasco air a' ghiotàr Spàinnteach agus a' cumail taic ri gach duine tha an Scottish Ensemble.

Allan Macdonald is one of Scotland's foremost pipers, famous for re-uniting piobaireachd with Gaelic language rhythms in song, and is joined by Ian Macinnes of Tannahill Weavers fame and Hamish Moore, the skilled piper and piper-maker from Dunkeld. Mary Macmaster plays the metal-strung Clàrsach and is one of the world's most innovative harpists whilst Helen Macleod plays the classical harp alongside Scotland's finest orchestras. Angus Lyon, on accordion, became British champion at just 13. John Kenny is a virtuoso trombonist, who in 1993 was the first person to play the Carnyx in over 2,000 years. Fraser Fifield plays the whistle and has been described as one of the most exciting talents to emerge in Scottish folk music in recent times. Jenna Reid, Anna-Wendy Stevenson and Aidan O'Rourke are each award-winning Scottish fiddlers. Galo Ceròn-Carrasco, on Spanish guitar, is a member of Salsa Celtica. The soundtrack's backbone is provided by the Scottish Ensemble, formed from some of the most highly respected string soloists in Europe.